APCP – Página inicial

Section on Public Administration and Public Policies

Why a Section on Public Administration and Public Policies (SAPP)?

The areas of Public Administration and Public Policies are key aspects in the study of Political Science, as they are focused on the analysis of governance actors and public programs and projects which affect the social and economic fabric in a more direct way. Considering the importance of these areas and their considerable development in Portugal, the section aims to be a platform to congregate different people involved in the production of scientific research and practical reflection in these areas.

A Section on Public Administration and Public Policies for what?

SAPP aims to organize knowledge dissemination events and qualification events for young researchers, facilitate the articulation between researchers and research groups interested in these domains, and promote the articulation with organizations from the Portuguese public sector. It also intends to establish bridges with associations and groups that do research in areas related to SAPP but under different Social Sciences (such as Public Law, Political Economy, Sociology, or Social Policy).

SAPP Coordination


Luís Filipe Mota (Politécnico de Leiria)

Managing Team

Edna Falorca Costa (Univ. Minho)

Joao Catarino (Univ. Lisboa)

Helge Jörgens (ISCTE-IUL)

Gonçalo Santinha (Univ. Aveiro)


Installation Commission (up until the APCP Congress in 2023)


Luís F. Mota, Polytechnic of Leiria

Managing Team

Edna Costa, University of Minho

Sara Moreno Pires, University of Aveiro

Contact: sapp.apcp@gmail.com