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APCP PhD Prize | Statutes

Statutes PhD Prize

Norms for the Attribution of the Best PhD Prize

1. The APCP Best PhD Prize aims to stimulate academic excellence in Political Science and International Relations research. The Prize will be given to the best PhD thesis in these areas.

2. The proceedings will take place between Congresses. The deadline for the presentation of proposals will be the 31 of July of the year before the APCP Congress.

3. The Prize amounts to fifteen hundred euros (1.500€).

4. PhD thesis authored by Portuguese citizens, foreign citizens who develop their research in Portuguese institutions or whose dissertations focus on lusophone themes are eligible for the Prize.

5. The jury will consider the following criteria:

• originality of the presented work;

• its scientific grounds;

• the relevance of its contribution to the area of research.

6. Submitted theses, whether published or non-published, must have been defended between the 31 of July of the year before the last Congress and 31 of July of the year preceding the next Congress. The APCP considers elligible those theses that are written in Portuguese, Spanish, French, English and Italian.

7. Proposals must be supported by one of the external examiners of the PhD thesis.

8. Applications are submitted electronically through a link or email provided by the APCP.

9. The application for the Prize consists of:

• The thesis in PDF format.

• The researcher’s curriculum in PDF format.

• A scanned copy of the PhD degree certificate.

• A declaration of one of the external examiners of the thesis jury suporting the application.

• Information on the composition of the jury of the PhD thesis.

10. Only applications which include all elements stated above will be accepted.

11. Candidates may be requested to provide hard copies of the information specified in point 8 of these statutes or evidence demonstrating the compliance of the application with the stipulations in these statutes. The applicant must provide these within fifteen days, with applications excluded in case of failure to comply.

12. The jury shall be chosen by the APCP Executive Committee but will be an independent body. The President of the jury shall have the decisive vote. Members of APCP's governing bodies may not be part of the jury.

13. The jury can decide to not award the prize or divide it among several theses.

14. The results will be made public during the Congress.


For more information: info@apcp.pt