Section on Political Parties
- Why create a Section on Political Parties?
The study of political parties and party systems has a long tradition in political science. The recent transformations of contemporary democracies, characterized by the emergence of new actors, the crisis of traditional parties and a growing electoral dealignment, suggest the need to adopt an analytical perspective that facilitates the study of party dynamics in all their dimensions, that is, considering not only the characteristics and functions of parties, but also the configuration of party systems. The creation of the Section on Political Parties aims to promote and develop the study of parties in their multiple dimensions, in particular with regard to the processes of party change and to the role these actors play in contemporary political systems, considering not only national dynamics, but also local or supranational ones
- A Section on Political Parties for what?
The objectives of this section are the following:
1) To promote research on parties and party systems, fostering methodological pluralism and integrating quantitative and qualitative research techniques;
2) To organize scientific events that seek to give visibility to academic work carried out on parties and party systems;
3) To stimulate and reinforce interactions between researchers and students for the study of parties and party systems;
4) To publicize initiatives, events and publications by members of the Section on Political Parties to public opinion and the media.
Marco Lisi, NOVA FCSH and IPRI-NOVA, NOVA University of Lisbon
Managing Team:
Ana Espírito-Santo, Iscte-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa and CIES-Iscte
Conceição Pequito Teixeira, ISCSP Universidade de Lisboa