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APCP PhD Prize | Winners

The Portuguese Political Science Association PhD Prize is meant to stimulate creativity and thoroughness in Political Science and International Relations academic research.

The Prize will be given to the best PhD thesis in these research areas. The proceedings of the competition will take place during the year previous to the bi-annual Congress, and the winner(s) will be announced during the corresponding event.
Winners of the PhD APCP Prize:

1st Edition /Congress 2008

Marcos Faria Ferreira, “Cristãos e Pimenta, a Via Media na Teoria das Relações Internacionais de Adriano Moreira” (International Relations)

Marco Lisi, “L’arte di essere indispensabile: leader e organizzazione nel Partito Socialista Portoghese (1976-2006)” (Comparative Politics)

2nd Edition /Congress 2010

Tiago Roma Fernandes, “Patterns of Associational Life in Western Europe, 1800-2000. A comparative and historical interpretation”, IUE, (Comparative Politics)

Certificate of Special Merit:

Alexandra Magnólia Dias, “An Inter-state war in the Post-Cold War Era: Eritrea-Ethiopia (1998-2000),” LSE (International Relations)

3rd Edition /Congress 2012

Sónia Pires, “Immigration Political Mobilisation in Portugal and Italy,” IUE, (Comparative Politics)

Licínia Simão, “Forging a wider european security community: prospects for the neighbourhood policy in the South Caucasus”, Univ. Coimbra (International Relations)

4th Edition/Congress 2014

«What's in a Label? The Aid Community's Representations of Success and Failure in Mozambique and Guinea-Bissau» by Teresa Paula de Almeida Cravo and «Peace as Government: The (Bio)Politics of State-Building» by Ramon Blanco de Freitas

Certificate of Special Merit: “Post-transitional Justice. Spain, Poland and Portugal Compared” by Filipa Alves Raimundo

Jury presided over by António Costa Pinto and constituted by Ana Paula Brandão, Paula Duarte Lopes, Manuel Meirinho Martins, André Azevedo Alves, André Barata, Pedro Tavares de Almeida, Tiago Roma Fernandes and Licínia Simão.

5th Edition/Congress 2016

Edalina Rodrigues Sanches, “Explaining party system institutionalization in Africa: from a broad comparison to a focus on Mozambique and Zambia”, Universidade de Lisboa (2014).

6th Edition/Congress 2018

Jovana Ranito, “Why doesn't it work? US regulatory challenges in outsourcing private use of violence in stability operations”, Universidade de Coimbra (2016).

7th Edition/March 2022

Tiago Miguel Lopes Carvalho, "Contesting Austerity: A Comparative Approach to the Cycles of Protest in Portugal and Spain under the Great Recession (2008-2015)", University of Cambridge (2019)

8th Edition/Congress 2023

Vicente Valentim, "Social Norms and Stigmatized Political Behavior", European University Institute (2021). Twitter (@ValentimVicente)

Honorable Mentions:

António Valentim, "Environmental Politics and Political Behaviour in Established Democracies", Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin (2022).

Maria Leonor Albuquerque Durão Barroso, "Origem e Limites do Poder Político na Obra do Padre Francisco Suárez, S.J. - Suárez como defensor de um governo limitado: Uma leitura à luz da polémica com Jaime I", Universidade Católica Portuguesa - IEP (2020).