It happened: IX APCP Congress | April 18 to 20, 2018
It happened the IX APCP Congress from 18 to 20 April, at the University of Minho (Campus of Gualtar - Braga).
The researchers presented their papers, comprising the following areas:
Section 1: Portuguese Society and Politics.
Section 2: European Studies.
Section 3: Comparative Politics.
Section 4: Governance and Public Policy.
Section 5: International Relations.
Section 6: Political Theory.
On April 18, the official opening was held, with the session "The End of the American International Order?" presented by Professor Nuno Monteiro (Yale University). Between 7:30 p.m. and 8:30 p.m., the General Assembly of the APCP was held - where the mandate of the governing bodies was renewed until 2020 - followed by dinner in celebration of the 20 years of the APCP, which was attended by some of the former Presidents.
The official closure took place on April 20, with the session "The new authoritarianism and the future of political science" presented by Professor Ricardo Soares de Oliveira (Oxford University). In this session the APCP Prize was also awarded to the winner of the 6th Edition.
The summaries of the presented communications can be consulted in the congress section in the site of the APCP, as well as some of the photos of the event. In this same page it is possible to consult the summaries of the previous congresses.